
Achieving DORA compliance

Where are your gaps?

Our webinar Achieving DORA Compliance, is designed to guide you through the crucial steps needed to ensure your organisation is fully prepared for DORA compliance when it becomes mandatory on the 17th January 2025.

Watch the webinar on-demand by filling in the form below.

Webinar Highlights
  • Understanding DORA: Learn the background and driving forces behind DORA.

  • Scope and applicability: Identify if your organisation falls within DORA's purview and understand what’s expected.

  • Five pillars of compliance: Gain insight into the core areas of DORA compliance –risk management, incident response, resilience testing, third-party risk management, and information sharing.

  • Expert guidance: Hear from industry leaders Ben Turner and Anthony Long, who bring extensive experience in regulatory testing and advisory services.

  • Resilience testing deep dive: Explore the critical aspects of resilience testing, including vulnerability scanning, threat intelligence, and ethical red teaming under the TIBER-EU framework.

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